Am 2./3. Oktober 2008 (Einspielvorstellungen ab 24. September) steigt in Prag im Karlin Musical Theatre die Uraufführung des neuen Frank Wildhorn-Musicals “Carmen: Viva Amor!”. Produziert wird die Show von Hudebnà Divadlo Karlàn. Jack Murphy steuert die Texte zur Show bei, Norman Allen zeichnet für das Buch verantwortlich. Er meint zum Inhalt des Wildhorn-Musicals:
[Carmen is] based on the legendary character that is featured in Mà©rimà©e’s novella and Bizet’s opera - but she has been placed in a contemporary setting, in a story-line inspired by the original but also new and innovative. The eternal truth of the character - a courageous and daring woman full of the zest for living - is the driving force behind this new musical. []