Greyson97 @YouTube - 7 Millionen Visits in 24 Stunden

So schnell wurde noch kaum jemand zum YouTube-Superstar. Greyson97 erreichte mit seiner Performance des Lady Gaga-Hits “Paparazzi” innerhalb nur weniger Stunden mehr als 7 Millionen Visits. Eine kleine Übersicht, was seit gestern (–> siehe hier) passiert ist:

12. Mai 2010: 07:46 Uhr: 300.000 Visits
12. Mai 2010: 23:43 Uhr: 1,2 Millionen Visits
13. Mai 2010: 09:00 Uhr: 5,2 Millionen Visits
13. Mai 2010: 12:10 Uhr: 7,5 Millionen Visits
14. Mai 2010: 02:40 Uhr: 9,2 Millionen Visits
14. Mai 2010: 12:37 Uhr: 10,9 Millionen Visits
15. Mai 2010: 02:55 Uhr: 11,9 Millionen Visits
15. Mai 2010: 12:37 Uhr: 12,8 Millionen Visits
16. Mai 2010: 02:53 Uhr: 13,7 Millionen Visits
16. Mai 2010: 13:58 Uhr: 14,5 Millionen Visits
17. Mai 2010: 13:59 Uhr: 15,8 Millionen Visits
19. Mai 2010: 11:20 Uhr: 17,8 Millionen Visits
21. Mai 2010: 23:37 Uhr: 19,6 Millionen Visits
25. Mai 2010: 14:19 Uhr: 20,5 Millionen Visits
27. Mai 201ß: 09:16 Uhr: 21,3 Millionen Visits
Hier das jetzt schon legendäre Video:

Das Medienfachblatt BILLBOARD schreibt über den Erfolg von Greyson Michael Chance:

Just when Justin Bieber thought he could singlehandedly claim the heart of every young girl on the planet, one YouTube video at a time, here comes Greyson Michael Chance with his own viral clip, a piano cover of Lady Gaga’s “Paparazzi” that leaves his classmates speechless.
Known by his YouTube handle Greyson97, the budding online sensation made his fellow sixth graders swoon with this rendition of Gaga’s hit song. Chance rocks a Bieber-esque hairstyle in the video, but the similarity ends there. Whereas Biebs will only tell his lady “One Time” how he feels and flash an innocent smile, Greyson pounds out “Paparazzi” with creepy-good emotional intensity and repeatedly warns that he’ll “follow you until you love me.”
The reactions that Chance gets from his all-female audience are priceless: Some giggle, others react as if they’ve seen a ghost (is that girl on the top left alright?), and the brunette in the middle just looks like she can’t wait until someone covers Fall Out Boy instead.
“Paparazzi” isn’t the only trick in Greyson97’s bag, either. The 13-year-old also apparently writes his own material, and though the subject matter seems a bit mature for his age, it’s not too shabby. [BILLBOARD]

Die aktuellsten News liefert Greyson natürlich selbst - über Twitter –> hier

Zum YouTube-Video mit dem Auftritt bei Ellen gehts –> hier

- PopEater.com: It’s Greyson Michael Chance, the Oklahoma Swooner
- CBS NEWS: Greyson Michael Chance: The Next Justin Bieber?
- ZAP2IT: Greyson Michael Chance’s ‘Paparazzi’ at sixth grade festival — move over, Justin Bieber
- Seven-Sided Cube: Greyson Michael Chance: The Child Prodigy
- DailyMail.co.uk: Lady Gaga’s vocals, Justin Bieber’s hair… pre-teen schoolboy becomes YouTube sensation with Paparazzi cover
- NowPublic.com: Greyson Michael Chance To Perform on Ellen After Paparazzi Video

1 Kommentar »

  neuer Youtube-Superstar!!! wrote @ Mai 14th, 2010 at 11:19

[…] euch selbst: YouTube - Greyson Chance Singing Paparazzi Die Rekordverdächtigen Zahlen (von Greyson97 @YouTube - 7 Millionen Visits in 24 Stunden | Der Kultur-Channel | News, Kritiken, Fotos a… ) –> werden dort sogar akutallisiert 12. Mai 2010: 07:46 Uhr: 300.000 Visits 12. Mai 2010: […]

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