Las Vegas: “Wildhorn & Friends” gecancelt

Vom 4. bis 6. September 2009 hätte im Judy Bayley Theater von Las Vegas eine der begehrten “Wildhorn & Friends”-Konzertserien über die Bühne gehen sollen. (Vorankündigung siehe –> hier)

Wenige Tage vor dem Event wurden die Gigs vom Produzenten der Show gecancelt. Ein paar Statements dazu:

Frank Wildhorn:

Though we are sad about the situation, we all believe so much in this, and are all going to work to give it the life it deserves. The rehearsals were amazing!

Linda Eder zur Absage der Show:

Hi Everyone,
I just found out a few moments ago that the Vegas gig has been cancelled. After sitting around for a day in a holding pattern, I just got the phone call.
It is not my own show so I can’t speak with any authority about the details, but I think we can all safely assume that it comes down to money. Somehow, somewhere something fell through and we all lose in the process.
I wish I had more information for you, but I just don’t.
I’m sorry for those of you who made travel plans to Vegas. I am also sorry that this show won’t happen, Jake was really looking forward to seeing his parents perform together on stage, but hopefully it will resume sometime soon with different producers at the helm.

Michael Staringer von Diabelli Management:

“Dear friends, unfortunately “Wildhorn & Friends” had to be cancelled because the producers defaulted on their obligations to Frank, the performers and all others involved after repeatedly giving assurances that they would and could fulfill their obligations.” [browadwayworld.com]


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