Im Vassar College, in Poughkeepsie, New York, findet die Premiere eines neuen Musicals des “Spring Awakening”-Teams (Duncan Sheik und Steven Slater) statt.
“Nero”, das seine Uraufführung 2006 in San Francisco feierte, geht im Martel Theater des Vogelstein Center for Drama and Film über die Bühne, und auf selbiger stehen recht bekannte Musicaldarsteller, nämlich Idina Menzel (”Rent”, “Wicked”), Jeffrey Carlson (”Taboo”) und Lea Michele (”Spring Awakening”).
von Steven Sater
Musik: Duncan Sheik
Vassar College, 11. bis 13. Juli 2008
“Culture Project” schildert erste Eindrücke einer “Nero”-Performance:
Dunk reads the words of Nero (the first known leader to use a speechwriter) as a woman in a white dress sings and his band plays beautifully behind him.
The speech is chilling. Nero orates about his plan for Rome, his consternations - how can so great an empire have let its poor grow so many? A great song, a creepy Orwellian rant, taking its time.
The next song is a Dunk solo, a light number, years later, as Nero takes “endless long vacations” with his cronies, slits the blood of those who oppose him. “Crowned with Love,” I think the piece is. It has a speedy, snowballing, fast-talking power. A “Let Them Eat Cake” nonchalance.
Then Rome burns. “What a night it was, back in 64… (It really was just 64),” says the narrator. Nero quickly lays the blame on others. “Such a photo-op,” Nero with the victims, looking like a leader who cares. But he says the people are better off homeless - if only you’d seen their homes before.
A song, beginning with the female lead, “The towers fallen, without an answer, ashes on the wind…” Dunk backs her up. A somber song.
The stage darkens.
Duncan says “Nero” makes “Spring Awakening” look like “The Wedding Singer”