Off-Broadway: “Rent”

Die neue Off-Broadway-Version von Jonathan Larsons Musicals “Rent” feierte am 11. August 2011 im New Yorker New World Stages Premiere. Ben Brantley von der New York Times meint:

But to me this «Rent” feels neither close enough to nor different enough from the original to warrant revisiting. It is visually busier than its prototype, with jittery new choreography (by Larry Keigwin) and slapdash mood- and place-defining projections (by Peter Nigrini). It also (and I can’t imagine my hearing has grown more sensitive in a decade and a half) sounds both louder and less coherent than it did before, with the careful contrapuntal strains of Larson’s score sometimes collapsing into one dissonant blur.

The cast is passable but seldom more than that in roles loosely inspired by characters from Puccini’s opera «La Bohà¨me.” As the love-burned, H.I.V.-positive rock guitarist Roger Davis, Matt Shingledecker glows a bit bizarrely with ruddy-cheeked, buff-bodied good health and bonhomie.

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3 Kommentare »

  Andreas wrote @ August 16th, 2011 at 15:14

Ich hab’s in London gesehen und leider war es außer laut nur laut. Man konnte keine Minute des Stücks geniessen … obwohl ich es verdammt gut finde.

  Elisabeth wrote @ August 14th, 2011 at 10:05

dem schließ ich mich jetzt einfach mal vollinhaltlich an. Zum Glück hab ich die deutschsprachige Erstversion 1999 in München gesehen.

  Madeleine wrote @ August 13th, 2011 at 17:11

Ich wünschte, RENT liefe mal in Wien!

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