Queenonline.com präsentiert exklusiv brandneue Version des “We Will Rock You”-Showstoppers “No-One But You”

Ab sofort steht auf Queenonline.com eine brandneue Version des “We Will Rock You”-Showstoppers “No-One But You” zum Gratis-Download. Der Song wurde von Brian May mit Kerry Ellis anläßlich des Starts der Londoner Produktion in die vierte Saison aufgenommen. Ellis hat die Rolle der “Meat” kreiert und arbeitet derzeit an einer Solo-CD.
Brian May: “This is a project I have been working on in my mind ever since we opened We Will Rock You three years ago. We now have many productions of WWRY operating around the world, all featuring ‘No-One But You’, everywhere performed by great singers. But the standard was set by Kerry Ellis who created this role in the very beginning. I have always wanted to make the “Ultimate Version” of this song on record, and at last I feel this is it!”
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