Schriftsteller, Regisseur, Schauspieler und Moderator Frank Buxton hat die erste Preview von Mel Brooks’ neuem Musical “Young Frankenstein” besucht. Auf der Website POVONLINE schildert er seine Eindrücke von der Show:
Last night, August 7th, 2007 was the first performance before a full audience of Mel Brooks’ new musical, Young Frankenstein, at the magnificent Paramount Theatre in Seattle, Washington and we were there. Seattle has become a “try-out” town where musicals such as Hairspray and plays like Angels in America have their pre-Broadway runs before heading to New York just as they used to do in New Haven and Boston. It was a treat to see this big, big show in our wonderful town, forgive the pun.
In a nutshell, it’s going to be a big hit, as big, if not bigger, than Brooks’ The Producers. Young Frankenstein is a three-hour romp, staged at a breakneck pace. There’s hardly a pause in the action. Whether you loved the movie or never saw it (there are those people) you’ll be more than satisfied and you’ll have a great evening in the theatre. [… weiterlesen]
Auch Michael Riedel beschäftigt sich in in der New York Post mit der “Young Frankenstein”-Preview:
Sitting in what, in New York, will be the $450 seats, Brooks roared at all his old jokes - and some new ones like: “I’m on my way to the Johns Miriam and Anthony Hopkins School of Medicine.” Brooks may have been laughing, in part, because he was relieved.
The dress rehearsal the night before did not go over well at all.
“There were very few laughs and long stretches of silence,” says my source, whom we’ll call Deep Abby Normal.
And so the cast was shocked when, as soon as the curtain went up on a winding road leading to a gigantic castle, the audience cheered and stomped its feet. When the first clap of thunder hit, they screamed.
“These were hard-core ‘Young Frankenstein’ fans,” Deep Abby Normal says. [… weiterlesen]