The File Room - Dokumentierte Zensur

The File Room ist ein Projekt von Künstlern, Kunststudenten und Lehrenden. In mühevoller Kleinarbeit wurden diverse Fälle von Zensur zusammengestellt und gut dokumentiert - so entstand ein Katalog der Zensur, der ständig ergänzt werden soll.
Ein besonders kurioses Beispiel von Zensur an der Dacula High School in Atlanta, Georgia, sei erwähnt:

Name: Of Mice and Men, student production
Date: 1985-1995
Location: North America
Subject: Racial/Ethnic , Language
Medium: Theatre
Artist: Student production at Dacula High School
Confronting Bodies: High School Principal Donald Nutt
Date of Action: May 1, 2001
Specific Location: Dacula High School, Atlanta, Georgia
Description of Artwork: A John Steinbeck classic that chronicles the relationship between two men during the Depression. It is a story of their pursuit of home-roots that they can believe in, land that they can care for, and the painful search for self. One man is inarticulate, dumb, and sometimes violent in his need; the other clever, hopeful, and tied to a responsibility he thinks he doesn’t want.
Description of Incident: Principal Donald Nutt had called off the show only hours before the scheduled curtain, because of profanity and racial slurs that students and drama teacher Phillip Cate refused to delete from the script.
Results of Incident: The Belladonna Repertory Company donated its theater for the students to produce the play, uncensored. The play ran for two weekends.
[Source: NCAC, atlanta.creativeloafing.com, 5.9.01]

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