Überlegt Steven Spielberg Neuverfilmung der “West Side Story”?

Zu einem exklusiven Chat mit Stephen Sondheim lud das Roundabout Theatre am 6. Mai 2008. Schon vorab konnten Musicalfans Fragen einsenden, die der Komponist/Texter während des Chats beantwortete.

Für einiges Aufsehen auf diversen Mailinglisten und in den einschlägigen Musicalforen sorgte eine kleine Nebenbemerkung Sondheims, die eine mögliche Neuverfilmung des Musicals “West Side Story” durch Steven Spielberg betrifft und sich im Original wie folgt liest:

moderator: PRE-SUBMITTED QUESTION from George for Mr. Sondheim: Now that Sweeney Todd has been put on film, which of your musicals would you most like to see adapted for motion picture at this time?

Stephen_Sondheim: It’s not so much a question of which I would like to see, rather which I think would lend itself, and I think Company would lend itself to filming. I think it’s very cinematic in its theatrical concept. There is a move afoot to do Follies movie with a well-known director and a well-known star, and I’m not going to tell you who they are. Those are the ones that come immediately to mind. Stephen Speilberg would like to remake West Side Story whether or not that will happen or not…

Die komplette Transkription des Chats mit Stephen Sondheim findet sich –> hier


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