Type a message to a friend, family member, pet, politician, or lover, and email it to snailmailmyemail@gmail.com. Then sit back and relax while your email is handwritten, sent out, and delivered to the recipient of your choosing, completely free of charge!
Wer kann sich noch daran erinnern, wann er das letzte Mal einen handgeschriebenen Brief per Post verschickt hat oder einen handgeschriebenen Brief erhalten hat? Ich kann mich an den letzten nicht mehr erinnern. So gesehen bin ich die perfekte Zielgruppe dieses Internetprojekts, das sich wie folgt beschreiben lässt:
Snail Mail My Email is a month-long (July 15 - August 15), interactive community art project which seeks to both share the warm-fuzzy feeling of receiving a personalized letter as well as inspire people to send their own snail mail. Anyone with internet access can partake by simply sending an email, after which the very same message will be handwritten and physically mailed to the chosen recipient anywhere in the world, completely free of charge.
In a culture overrun with instant gratification and on-demand services, this project cultivates appreciation for the lost art of letter writing.
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