The Edge: “The thing is we don’t really like musicals. Most musicals are really pants. They’re really not very cool.”

Niemand mag ja momentan so wirklich daran glauben, dass U2s Spiderman-Musical tatsächlich schon Geschichte sein könnte (siehe –> hier). Warum also nicht ein paar nette Artikel bringen, in denen die Jungs mal alles rauslassen können, was ihnen an Musicals so (miss-) gefällt. The Edge von U2 im O-Ton:

It is a new challenge. The thing is we don’t really like musicals. Most musicals are really pants. They’re really not very cool. It is much more like opera than a straight musical. We’re actually not calling it a musical for that reason because we don’t want to put people off. We just thought, ‘Well if we’re going to do this we should do something that knocks it out of the park and hits on every level with great tunes’. [news.bbc.co.uk]


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