Tim Rice strikt gegen Webbers “Reality”-”Jesus”

Tim Rice kann mit Andrew Lloyd Webbers Plänen, eine Hauptrolle für seine Neuproduktion der Rockoper »Jesus Christ Superstar” per Castingshow zu vergeben (siehe –> hier), nichts anfangen. Er meint dazu:

“I’ve had several meetings with Andrew and said that I don’t want this done, but now it appears it’s been signed and sealed. Andrew wants to rehash things all the time, but I really don’t think Superstar needs that tasteless reality television treatment. Those shows are relentlessly downmarket, which is fine if the show is a lightweight bit of fluff. I am fully behind an arena show, but I just don’t think you need another television series to do that.” [rte.ie]

1 Kommentar »

  Critic wrote @ Januar 22nd, 2012 at 23:46

Tja, scheinbar hat er aber keine Handhabe um es zu verhindern und schliesslich ist er in einer davon ja auch aufgetreten…da ging es um das “lightweight bit of fluff” namens Joseph, ebenfalls aus seiner Feder, wenn ich mich richtig entsinne.

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