“I had a stalker while filming a movie in Spain last year. She stood outside of my apartment every day for weeks - all day every day. I was so bored and lonely that I went out and had dinner with her. I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back. People get bored of me in, like, two minutes.”
- Robert Pattinson, to Creme magazine, on how he got rid of an obsessive fan [via Perez Hilton]
Wie man Fans/Stalker loswird
1 Kommentar »
Michael Kaden wrote @ Februar 13th, 2009 at 13:24
…jetzt müssten die vom Bühneneingangs-Völkchen gestraften VBW-Sternchen ob dieser Information vor Erleichterung aufschreien und spätestens in einer Woche alle Lästigkeiten des Arbeitsalltags loswerden ;-) Man kann es ihnen nur wünschen!
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