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Thomas Borchert - man weiß nicht so recht, wie man sich ihm als Musicalfan nähern soll. Auf der einen Seite vermag er in Musicals zu begeistern, auf der anderen Seite ist aus ihm musicalmäßig im Rahmen seiner Soloauftritte nicht viel rauszuholen. Maximal ein Medley, das vielleicht beim ersten Mal witzig ist, das beim wiederholten Hören maximal despektierlich erscheint.
Ich mag Thomas Borchert ja an sich, ich mag nicht diese Art, die er Musicals gegenüber an den Tag legt - denn seien wir doch mal realistisch, zu Borcherts Soloabenden würde ja gar niemand oder eben nur ein Häuflein Hardcore-Fans kommen, wenn er nicht das kräftige Backup durch seine Musicalerfolge hätte. Vor zwei Jahren noch gab er ein Solokonzert im Theater an der Wien vor einem erschreckend leeren Theatersaal. Nun meint er, auf einen Teil seines Publikums ganz verzichten zu können und gibt einen “Abend nur für Frauen”. Ne Herr Borchert, was haben Sie sich dabei nur gedacht? Was dürfen wir für die Zukunft erwarten? Uwe Krögers Weihnachtsspecial extra für alle Boys? Eva Marold nur für alle unter 40? Marika Lichter für alle ab 50? Halten Sie sich etwa für ein Sexsymbol, Herr Borchert? Vielleicht ist das Ganze ja nur Witz. Nuja, dann wünschen wir mal den Damen viel Spaß mit Herrn Borchert. Und dass nicht allzu viele Fans von derartigen Allüren die Nase voll haben.
With a boost from Oprah Winfrey’s relaunched book club, John Steinbeck’s East of Eden has pushed Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Living History to the No. 3 spot on the USA TODAY Best-selling Books list, not bad for a novel first published in 1952. J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix remains No. 1, however, outselling East of Eden almost 18 to 1. [story]
Fans of Diane Schuur know the story: blind since birth, singing professionally at 9, discovered by the late saxophonist Stan Getz at the 1979 Monterey Jazz Festival. And don’t forget her passion for the singers, such as Dinah Washington, Carmen McRae and Sarah Vaughan, who inspired Schuur at a tender age.
So perhaps it’s no surprise that the 49-year-old Schuur’s new CD, “Midnight” (Concord Jazz) pays tribute to standards she grew up hearing in her formative years.
There’s just one catch. Most of the 13 songs on “Midnight” are recent arrivals to the canon.
The album was actually the brainchild of singer-songwriter Barry Manilow and his longtime collaborator Eddie Arkin. Schuur, known to most friends as Deedles, had worked with both men on Manilow’s 1988 jazz foray, “Swing Street.” [story; weitere Berichte: 1, 2, 3, 4]
Once the English language’s most shocking, egregious, off-limits word, it’s become just another cultural noise, thrown around with the casualness of a summer softball, appearing on your TV, on your answering machine, at a newsstand near you, from the mouth of your son, your mom, your Congressman, your philosophy professor, your dentist, your waiter, your basic innocent virgin on the street. Remember gosh, golly and darn? They’re history! At least in the most civilized places.
Last week, at a political rally, Representative Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island told a gathering of Young Democrats in Washington, D.C.: “I don’t need Bush’s tax cut, I have never worked a [bleeping] day in my life.” And when Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz received a mild taunt from Al Franken at this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner, he responded with a simple, elegant, “[Bleep] you.” [story via gawker.com]
Weil Thomas Steinfeld, einer der neuen Juroren beim Klagenfurter Bachmann-Preis-Wettlesen, einst im Streit von der FAZ zur SZ gegangen ist, wurde er letzte Woche im Sonntagsableger der FAZ hart angegangen. Er war der einzige Juror, der namentlich erwähnt wurde in einem Artikel, der sich zudem erkühnte, sämtlichen Kollegen den Spaß zu verderben und die Abschaffung Klagenfurts zu fordern. Dummerweise hat der angry young journalist Steinfeld so grauenvoll falsch zitiert, dass in der gestrigen Ausgabe eine Entschuldigung folgte. Der Kampf im Sinkflug tendiert zur Groteske. [story]
Legendary ABBA songwriter Bjorn Ulvaeus is delighted his musical Mamma Mia! is making him more money than when he was in the ’70s chart-toppers. The “Waterloo” star wrote the music and lyrics for the stage show, which this week was watched by its 10 millionth audience member, with former ABBA colleague Benny Andersson - and he’s seen the proceeds stack up. Bjorn, 57, says, “It’s going to make me richer than ABBA ever did. In the ’70s, groups didn’t make the incredible deals that they did in the ’80s and ’90s. They never became as rich. It’s never bothered me. We were only ever in it for the love of music. Having too much too soon can be very dangerous anyway.” And despite his love for writing ABBA’s songs, Bjorn doesn’t yearn for the good old days. He says, “I’m not nostalgic for those days. I wouldn’t like to have it back. Creating was what I really enjoyed. In this business, it all begins and ends with a song. Without that, no one is anything.” [story]
Footlosse, the Broadway musical, will next year embark on a six-month, nationwide tour ahead of a possible West End transfer. The show’s premiere UK production will open at the Theatre Royal Plymouth on 5 February 2004 before continuing until mid-August to more than 20 further venues.
Based on the 1984 Hollywood film starring Kevin Bacon and Lori Singer, Footloose centres on city boy Ren who moves with his family to a small town in middle America where rock music and dancing are outlawed for religious reasons. Sparks fly when Ren and the minister’s teenaged daughter rebel. [story]
Where can you find celebrated dramatists, A-list actors and inventive plots tackling Siberian camps and noisy sex? On radio, of course. [story]
Pat Benatar is set to unveil some new songs - whether the groundbreaking rocker’s fans are ready or not.
“I know what they want to hear,” Benatar said, calling from a tour stop in Memphis. “I’ve known a lot of these fans forever. We’re like old friends. If I say: ‘I’ve gotta do this.’ They’ll be cool with it.” [story]